Night Game
SplatZone Paintball Sports
13908 James River Drive
Hopewell, Virginia 23860
(804) 452-2566

We haven't set the dates for any night games as of yet, but we are planning on having one or two for this year.

Normall, the game(s) begin at 6:00 p.m. at the SplatZone Outdoor Paintball Field, with a maximum chrono speed of 250 fps.

Lighting will be set up in our Village field, and we will light up the interior of our farm house for play also.

Cost: $15.00 field fee for walk-ons with their own equipment.

$ 20.00 field fee for rentals (includes mask, semi-auto marker, and field fee).
As always, you can bring your own Air, but due to economics, we have had to go to a "Field Paint" only at our field. We sell paint by the 100 round, 500 round, 1/2 case, or case at the field.

Games generally run from 6:00 p.m. till everyone has had enough fun for the evening.

For additional information call: SplatZone - The Store at (804) 452-2566,
or E-mail to: The SplatZone.